
Starts from $9500

About Osteotomy

Osteotomy in India starts from $9500. The total cost of the treatment depends on the diagnosis and facilities opted by the patient.

Why is it Performed?

This surgery is used to either restore a joint that is damaged or increase, decrease the length of a bone that is deformed and misaligned with a joint. Your bones are cut and reformed to enable this process. Patients eligible for this procedure are below 60 years of age, are active and slim whereas older patients with rheumatoid patients are not eligible.

There are various types of Osteotomies to correct issues in joints and bones such as,

Hip Osteotomy: The hip socket is reshaped so that the hip joint ball is covered well.

Knee Osteotomy: This surgery aims to achieve the following:

  • The surgery plays a major role in knee alignment correction.
  • It also helps in increasing the extent of life in the knee joint.
  • This procedure aids in weight transfer away from arthritic knee part to one which is healthy.

Spine Osteotomy: Swayback condition can be corrected and hunchback is reduced.

Chin Osteotomy: A square or broad chin can be narrowed by plastic surgeons.

Jaw Osteotomy: This operation assists in aligning the bite of teeth with the face by working on the jaw.

Toe Osteotomy: The toe joint is realigned when the issue is bunions of high severity.

Frequently asked questions about Osteotomy

The anesthesia that is given prior to this procedure is either general or spinal. The procedure itself takes one to two hours to be completed.

An incision is made in front of the knee, below the kneecap. A wedge of bone is then removed which has been measured out using guide wires.

Closing Wedge Osteotomy (most common): The bones are then brought together to close the gap which has now been created. Plates and screws are used to keep the bones together till the healing of osteotomy takes place.

Opening Wedge Osteotomy: Bone wedge is opened, space is filled by adding a bone graft so healing can take place.

Postoperative complications and risks are rare but it is good to be informed of them before you make your decision to opt for Osteotomy. These are as follows:

  • Infection
  • Blood clots
  • Stiffness of the joint
  • Injuries to vessels and nerves
  • Failure of the osteotomy to heal: a second surgery may be needed
Benefits of Osteotomy-
  • You can participate in physical activities with equal vigor and restrictions are next to none.
  • This procedure helps delay joint replacement because if rightly done then the anatomy of the joint is preserved.
Follow-Up Care-

The only hospital stays required is a day or two posts the operation. Here are the various kinds of follow-up care needed.

Pain Management: Any pain medication that you take post the surgery and during the recovery period should be strictly under the supervision of your physician.

Weight-Bearing: You might be asked to use a cast or brace on your knee or use crutches. The time period post which you can begin to put weight on your leg will be suggested by the physician.

Doctor Visit: X-Rays during the follow-up visit will give the picture regarding your treatment journey, the time when rehabilitation can begin or when can you bear weight.

Rehabilitation Exercises: Strength can be regained after the surgery and you can work towards recovering the range of motion via the exercises a physical therapist helps you with.

Recommended Hospitals for Osteotomy

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