Hip Dysplasia Treatment

Starts from $5000

About Hip Dysplasia Treatment

Hip Dysplasia Treatment in India starts from $5000. The total cost of the treatment depends on the diagnosis and facilities opted by the patient.

Hip dysplasia is an osteogenic condition which mainly affects children and infants, but may go undetected till adolescence or adulthood. It is a genetic disorder which affects women more often than men. The symptoms may appear as minor pain or twitch, however, may escalate if left untreated. Hip dysplasia needs attention and thorough treatment as it may lead to early onset of arthritis. In the United States of America, almost 10% of partial or total hip replacement surgeries take place due to late detection of hip dysplasia which leads to rapid degeneration of the hip joint.

Frequently asked questions about Hip Dysplasia Treatment

Hip dysplasia treatment varies as per the age of the affected. In case of babies and neonatal hip dysplasia, the condition often cures itself without any particular treatment.

However, babies below six months of age experiencing lose hip may require Pavlik Harness. The harness is a soft brace meant for holding the ‘ball’ of the hip joint in proper place with the ‘socket’. The brace is placed for months (as needed) so that during the period the ball shapes itself to properly fit with the socket.

Babies above six months do not respond to the soft braces, which is why they are facilitated with a complete (full) body cast. The body cast needs to be kept intact for several months until it properly fixes itself. However, in case the body cast fails to serve its purpose, surgical procedures may need to be implemented.

The recovery time after hip dysplasia treatment depends on the type and extent of the treatment required. In non-operative treatments, the candidate the hip joint is recovered within several months. In such cases which require surgery, the recovery period depends on whether one or both the hips are affected. For both hips, surgery is performed on each within an interval of four to six months.

The candidate needs assistance of crutches for a period of 4-6 weeks post-operation. However, the candidate can return to regular activities after a period of six months approximately.

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