- Dr. Kothari is a skilled surgeons in the field of ophthalmics in India.
- He has done his masters in Surgery (MS Opthomolgy) from the prestigious Schell Eye Hospital, Christian Medical College and Hospital, Vellore. Completed his MBBS from Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Sewagram.
- Dr. Nankani did his DNB, followed by Fellowship in Paediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus, from (FPOS) Arvind Eye Hospital, Madurai.
- He has completed his (IFOS/ICO) Diploma in Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus at Wilmer Eye Institute, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Baltimore, USA.
- He has also done his Fellowship in Paediatric Neuro-ophthalmology at Smith Kettelwell Eye Research Institute, San Francisco, CA, USA.
- Dr. Kothari & Dr Richard Hertle from Akron, USA, had conducted a successful workshop on Nystagmology at Goutami Eye Hospital, Rajahmundry, India.
- He is the first othomologist in India to start ocular motility laboratory for the management of nystagmus, squint and disorders of eye movements.
- He has pioneered the use of photorefraction (ability to assess children’s eyes < 3 years age) in pediatric ophthalmology
- His area of special interest lies in treatment of Nystagmus and eye motility disorders.
- He is an active member of AIOS: All India Ophthalmological Society ,MOS: Mahaashtra Ophthalmological Society,BOA: Bombay Ophthalmic Association,AMC: Association of Medical Consultants,IMA: Indian Medical Association,OFISA: Ophthalmic forum of Indian Society of Anesthetists
Dr. Meher Kothari
- Ophthalmologist
- Consultant , MBBS, MS, DNB, 12 years of experience
- Delhi

Dr. Meher Kothari
- Ophthalmologist
- Consultant , MBBS, MS, DNB, 12 years of experience
- Delhi
Profile (Overview)
- Pediatric Ophthalmologist
- Adult Strabismus and Nystagmology
- Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction
- Eye Muscle Surgery
- Eyelid Surgery
- Paediatric Glaucoma Management and Oculoplasty
Work Experience of Dr. Meher Kothari
- Consultant, Global Hospitals, Mumbai
- Consultant, Krishna Eye Centre , Mumbai
- Consultant, Mehta eye center , Mumbai
- MBBS, Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Sevagram
- MS, Schell Eye Hospital, Christian Medical College and Hospital, Vellore.
- Winner of the YKC Pandit overall Best Research Paper Award of Maharashtra Ophthalmic Society for the Year 2007.
- Winner of the National Ophthalmic Quiz at AIOC, Feb 2007, Hyderabad
- Long term visual outcome after primary intraocular lens implantation following Pediatric Penetrating Trauma.Best Research Paper in Trauma AIOS, 2002; New Delhi
- A Novel Technique of Assessing Distance Stereopsis Using TNO Test and Inverted Telescope System. Best Paper Award in Strabismus at Conference of the All India Ophthalmological Society, Bhuvneshwar, India (Jan, 2005).
- Ultrarapid school vision screening using the Brückner test ASIA-ARVO 2009, January, Hyderabad, India (Best Poster Award)
- Evaluation of TNO test, Titmus test and Lang test for assessment of stereoacuity. AIOC, 3rd-6th Feb, 2011, Ahmedabad. Best Poster – Squint
- Absence of retinal vasculature – did it disappear or never appeared? AIOC, 3rd-6th Feb, 2011, Ahmedabad. Best Poster – Pediatric
- Angle kappa measurement using a slit lamp. MOSCON 2011, JW Marriot, Pune, 21st Oct, 2011. Sante Vision –INNOVATION AWARD.
- A novel formula for simultaneous recession and resection of the same rectus muscle in the management of squint with near-distance in-comitance. Best Research by an Academic Private Practitioner Award.
- Best Academic Private Practitioner award. MOSCON 2013, Nagpur, MOSCON, 2013.
- Best paper award / Dr Prem Prakash Award for best research in Pediatric Ophthalmology ,AIOC 2014, 6-9th Feb, 2014, Agra, India
- Innovation award, converting a wired-halogen indirect ophthalmoscope to a wireless-LED indirect ophthalmoscope in < 1000 rupees. Moscon 2014 – Solapur
- Best research in Neuroophthalmology award of All India Ophthalmological Society. AIOC 2015, 5th-8thFebruary, New Delhi, India.
Paper Published
- The Kariapatti paediatric eye evaluation project: baseline ophthalmic data of children aged 15 years or younger in Southern India. Am J Ophthalmol. 2003 Oct; 136(4):703-9.
- The incidence of vitreous loss and visual outcome in patients undergoing cataract surgery in a teaching hospital. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2003 Mar; 51(1):45-52.
- Intracameral amphotericin B injection in the management of deep keratomycosis. Cornea. 2002 Oct; 21(7):653-6.
- Can Bruckner test be used as a Rapid Screening Test for the detection of amylogenic factors in developing countries? Am Orthopt J. 2003
- Paediatric ophthalmology and strabismus in India. J AAPOS. 2004 Feb; 8(1):18-9.
- Can ocular torsion be measured using the slit lamp bio microscope? Indian J Ophthalmol. 2005 Mar; 53(1):43-7.
- Recurrence of bilateral herpes simplex virus keratitis following bimatoprost use. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2006 Mar; 54(1):47-8.
- Giant corneal implantation cyst after the filtering surgery. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2006 Jun; 54(2):117.
- Clinical characteristics of spontaneous late-onset comitant acute non accommodative esotropia in children Indian J Ophthalmol. 2007 Mar-Apr; 55(2):117-20.
- Primary superior oblique muscle-levator muscle synkinesis. J AAPOS. 2007 Apr; 11(2):204-5.
- Precaruncular approach for the periosteal transfixation of the globe in congenital third nerve palsy. J AAPOS. 2007 Apr; 11(2):207-8.
- A report on 65th Annual conference of All India Ophthalmic Society. Sunayana 2007 Expert Rev Ophthalmol 2(3). 341-342,2007.
- Anterior dislocation of a sulcus fixated posterior chamber intraocular lens in a high myopia. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2008 January-February; 56(1):78-80.
- Fornix incision, hangback suture technique for squint surgery. Text book of Ophthalmology. Edited by H V Nema
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Dr. Meher Kothari
- Consultant , MBBS, MS, DNB, 12 years of experience
- Delhi
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