- Dr. Ajay Kumar is a Gastroenterologist of high acclaim with experience of more than 32 years.
- He provides treatment for Pancreatico Biliary Disease, Luminal Gastroenterology and carries out Advanced Therapeutic Endoscopy.
- He is recognized worldwide for his methods of advanced treatments and has received several awards such as B.C Roy Award from the Honorable President of India, J. Mittra Olympus Award by the Indian Society of Gastroenterology, Vishisht Chikitsa Ratan Award by the Indian Academy of Medical Specialities and International Service Award by American Society of Endoscopy 2018.
- He has participated in workshops and conferences regularly and delivered several lectures. Few of the lectures delivered by him include: Prof Mehta Oration API SISCO Pentax Oration SGEI, Prof K. L Wig Memorial Oration Delhi State API, Col BL Taneja Memorial Oration, Khamman, AP.
- He has the life membership of numerous prestigious associations, such as: Indian Medical Association, Indian Association for the Study of Liver, Association of Physicians of India, and American Society of GI Endoscopy of India, Crohn’s Colitis Foundation of India, European Society of GI Endoscopy, American Gastroenterology Association, and National Medicos Organization.
- He is also a member of Delhi State Medical Council Executive 2003, President of Society of GI Endoscopy of India and has been elected President of Indian Society of Gastroenterology.
- He also has the membership of the working committee, established by World Society of Digestive Endoscopy to set up practice guidelines and publications on Endoscopy.
- He is in the Editorial Board of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy- the official journal of American Society of GI Endoscopy, Asian Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Journal of Digestive Endoscopy and” Gastroenterology”, the official journal of American Gastroenterology Association.
- He has more than 40 publications in National and International Journals to his credit. He has also presented 20 papers at different conferences and contributed 17 chapters in books.
Dr. Ajay Kumar
- Medical Gastroenterologist
- HOD , Fellowship, FRCP, MAMS, DM, MD, MBBS, 32 years of experience
- BLK-Max Super Speciality Hospital, Pusa Road
- Delhi, India

Dr. Ajay Kumar
- Medical Gastroenterologist
- HOD , Fellowship, FRCP, MAMS, DM, MD, MBBS, 32 years of experience
- BLK-Max Super Speciality Hospital, Pusa Road
- Delhi, India
Profile (Overview)
- Pancreatico Biliary Diseases
- Luminal Gastroenterology
- Therapeutic Endoscopy
Work Experience of Dr. Ajay Kumar
- Additional Director, Fortis Escorts Heart Institute, New Delhi
- Consultant, Moolchand Hospital
- Consultant, Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, New Delhi
- Consultant, GB Pant Hospital, New Delhi
- Fellowship, University College, Hamburg
- FRCP, Glasgow
- DM, 1987, Delhi University
- MD, 1984, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research. Chandigarh
- MBBS, 1980, Punjab University
- International Service Award by American Society of GI Endoscopy, 2018
- Vishisht Chikitsa Ratan Award by Indian Academy of Medical Specialties, 2012
- B.C Roy Award from Honorable President of India, 2008
- J. Mitra Olympus Award, Endoscopist of the Year, by Indian Society of Gastroenterology, 2007
- Annual award for excellence. Indian Academy of Medical Specialties – 2007
- IJCP – IMA. Distinguished service award in Gastroenterology – 2003
- DMA – Honor on Doctor’s Day – 2002
- East Delhi DMA- Distinguished service award – 2002
- IMA, NDB, Award for contribution to medical education – 1993.
Paper Published
- More than 40 papers in National and International Journals
- Presented 20 papers in Conferences
- Contributed 17
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Dr. Ajay Kumar
Medical Gastroenterologist
- HOD , Fellowship, FRCP, MAMS, DM, MD, MBBS, 32 years of experience
- Delhi, India
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